Morning Thought – Aug 28, 2013

August 28th, 2013 | Posted by Dominick Guarino in Dominick Guarino

Never mistake activity for achievement. – John Wooden

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that as long as we’re keeping busy, we are achieving our goals. Often times if we honestly examine what we’re doing with our time each day we will find that it’s not always the highest and best use of it.

Reduce aimless activity by starting each day with a prioritized list what you want to get done. You don’t need to go too crazy with it, just make a list, put a number or letter next to each item (1,2,3), and cross off the tasks as you accomplish them.

Don’t make the list so long that you won’t be able to put a dent in it. That can get discouraging. Don’t make it so short that you’ll have it checked off by noon and fall back into doing random activities. Make your list long enough that it will stretch you through the day, but still allow you to get 80-90% of it done.

If you aren’t do this consistently right now, try it for 30 days. You will be very happy with the results.

Have an accomplished day!


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